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Global Algae

Our forests, oceans, water, and climate are strained to the breaking point. Food insecurity and poverty lead to untold suffering.
Global Algae has the technology to solve these problems!
Our vision is to harness the unparalleled productivity of algae to provide food and fuel for the world, dramatically improving the environment, economy, and quality of life for all people.
We need your help NOW to fulfill this vision!
The potential of algae is so transformative that people have been striving to develop technology for commercially viable algae cultivation for food, feed, polymers, and fuel for over 60 years.
Prior attempts by other companies have not come close to achieving this goal because success requires dozens of innovations and major breakthroughs throughout the process.
First ever commercially-viable algae process
Where others saw road blocks, we saw opportunity. Global Algae has stopped at nothing to bring algae to commercial production. We have developed dozens of new technologies to tackle the challenge head-on resulting in a full technology suite that makes algae cultivation commercially viable for food, feed, polymers, and fuel.
Radical advances dramatically reduce cost and energy use

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